Friday 5 December 2014

Won't Do's Blog Hop!

Equestrian Journey Hop: What won't you do?
Blog Hop topic from Equestrian Journey

        "We all like to share on our blogs what we do with our horses and what we would like to do, but I want to know what you will NOT do.  For example I will not carry a bag of feed into the middle of a herd of horses, especially if I don't know some of them.  I will not teach my horse to rear on purpose.  I will not ride my horse into a field full of loose horses that could kick me in the leg and break it.  Things like that.  I look forward to hearing what you have to share!"
When I first read this I laughed and thought more like what will I do because that would be the shorter list! After a bit of consideration though, I realize perhaps I have come further than I thought and that blasted list of things I won't do (or can't yet) is getting a smidgeon shorter.
I did not always have a huge list of "won't do's". When I was a kid growing up on a farm with my super little pony, I did everything. In fact, all the things that would give parents heart attacks and lived to ride another day.
As a teen, I still had that fearless nature and had no trouble working with difficult horses in all sorts of riding situations and the "won't do" list was non-existent.
Enter adulthood, a couple of very unsuitable horse purchases equaling is some very scary riding situations. Add on top of that a knowledge that my bones are indeed breakable and my family needs me around (at least they seem to need me when a school lunch needs to be made or the laundry hamper is full) and then you have a pretty big "won't do" list in your midst. BUT, I'm working on making it smaller!
So here is a look at my list two years ago (at the height of my fear) and now. Let's see just how much progress I made! 
My "won't do" list - THEN:
  • Lead a young horse out of the fenced-in yard area.
  • Ride on windy/chilly days (because horses be crazy!)
  • Allow the horses to run around in the pasture without panicking inside and running to throw them some hay to stop that dangerous shit!
  • Ride out in my hay field.
  • Take my horse on the trailer, anywhere.
Okay, you get the idea. I was officially completely terrified. I almost quit horses at that time. But I didn't. After mucho work at concurring my issues, here is my list today:
  • Canter in the hay field is still a firm no. I got over my fear of being out there in the open with my spooky mare. We can now walk, trot and do somewhat concentrated work out there relatively calmly without thinking I am going to die.
  • Heading to a jump without a nice good warmup over at least one pole first to see where my girl's brain is at.
  • Jump when I am shaking afraid. I firmly know my limits now and know when to push myself. 
  • Finally, I WON'T let a coach push me to do anything I know I am not ready for. Only I can know my own limits and even though most coaches are amazing, I know myself best!
That's it for my list! That "then" list is pulverized! I can't wait to see where I am at in the future. Here's to dreaming of safe canters in an open field...:) 


  1. Awesome!!!! I love how you compared it to the old list. Congrats on conquering your fears. I deal with a lot of fear and anxiety too so I totally understand what an achievement that is. :D I have every confidence that you will canter in the field one day. I didn't think I would be able to canter Chrome in an open field and I did and it was awesome!! Keep up the great work and thanks for joining!

  2. great lists (both old and new)! and congrats on your progress towards rebuilding your confidence - i'm struggling with some of the same issues and it really is a slog sometimes... but knowing our limits is so so key.
